A Perfect Fried Egg

 Fried egg sunny side up black background

 Photo from Porsche997SBS at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


  • Fresh Free Range Eggs 


  1. There seem to be so many ways to cook a fried egg, from cremated or snotty to over easy, and sunny side up.
  2. I am definitely a sunny side up person .
  3. In a non-stick frying pan melt some fat (I use lard) on a low heat.
  4. Whilst waiting for the fat to come to heat break the eggs into a cup for each.
  5. Slowly and carefully pour the eggs individually into the pan and cook on loww  heat for as long as is needed.
  6. Avoid the temptation to increase the heat.
  7. The white should be just cooked and the yolk bright and sunny.