Italian Style Courgette and Parmesan Soup


1 kilo green courgette cut lengthways into quarters and then into 15 mm slices

60 ml extra virgin olive oil

15 g garlic cloves, chopped

1 1/4 pint chicken stock

60 ml single cream

Italian basil leaves, chopped

conitinental parsley, chopped

60 g freshly grated Reggiano parmesan

sea salt and ground white pepper to taste


  1. Heat the oil in a heavy based pan.
  2. Cook the garlic, basil, salt and succhini slowly for approximately 10 minutes, until the succhinis are lightly browed and very soft.
  3. Add some pepper and stock and simmer for 8 minutes, unvovered.  Remove from the heat.
  4. Put 3/4 of the soup into a food processor and spin until smooth.
  5. Return to the pan and stir in the cream, parsley and parmesan.

To Serve Place in a bowl and sprinklewith cheese and some pepper.  Sserve with crusty bread and a green salad.