Fatless Sponge

 fatless sponge


  • 3 eggs
  • 90 g caster sugar 
  • 90 g seived self raising flour


  1. Place the eggs and sugar in a warmed bowl and whisk on speed 6 (Kenwood) until very light and thick. 
  2. Seive in the flour and fold into the mixture using the whisk.
  3. Pre-heat the oven to 177C, Gas Mark 4, Fan 160C
  4. Grease and line a 18 cms cake tin
  5. Cook for 25-30 mins or until firm
  6. Turn out onto a wire rack and allow to cool.
  7. Spread one with jam and cream.
  8. Put the two cakes together and springle with icing sugar.
  9. Serve and enjoy.