Vanilla Ice Cream

  Vanille Ice Cream

284ml double cream
300ml full fat milk
115g golden caster sugar
1 vanilla pod
3 large egg yolks free range eggs


Pour the cream and milk together with half the sugar into a heavy based saucepan.

Slit the vanilla pod down its length and scoop out the tiny black seeds and add to the cream and milk mixture.  Cut the pod into 3 and also add to the cream and milk mixture.  Heat until almost boiling but do not boil.  Take off the heat and set aside for 30 minutes.

Put the egg yolks into a mixing bowl together with the rest of the sugar.  Whisk until light in colour.  Gradually add the cream and milk mixture.  Return to the heat until the mixture coats the back of a spoon but do not boil.  A thin custard mixture is required.

Put into the ice cream freezer and follow the manufacturers instructions.