Home made Pork Sausages


 Pork Sausages


  • 2.25 kilo Lean Port
  • 1.2 kilo Fatty Pork eg Belly Pork
  • 350 g Dried pinhead rusk or grated dry bread
  • 680 ml / iced water
  • 115 seasoning which I buy from sausagemaking.org
  • sausage skins


  1. Cut the meat up ready for mincing
  2. Mince the meat through a 6mm plate and sprinkle on the seasoning
  3. Add half the cold water and mix until the cold water is absorbed into the meat
  4. Add the remaining cold water and mix vigorously until the mixture is sticky and most.
  5. Add the rusk or bread.
  6. Mince the whole batch again and funel into the sausage skins.
  7. Take care to avoid air pockets.