Sherry Trifle

sherry trifle


  • home made victoria sandwich cake
  • raspberry jelly
  • a large tin of fruit salad
  • bird's custard
  • whipped cream
  • a bottle of Harvey's Bristol Cream
  • 100s and 1000s or flaked almonts


  1. Place the victoria sandwich on the bottom of a large high sided bowl
  2. Pour a large cup of sherry over the sponge and allow it to soak in.  Add more if necessary and then drink the rest of the bottle.
  3. Drain a large tin of fruit salad retaining the juice and any cherries and spread the fruit over the sponge.  You might need to add some fruit cocktail to form a good layer of fruit.
  4. Make up the raspberry jelly using the juice from the tinned fruit.  Depending on how big the bowl is you might need to use more than one packet of jelly.  I usually make the jelly rather stronger than it says on the packet to allow for the liquid from the sherry.  Please note jelly cannot be purchased in France so far as I know.  I shake my head in dispair.  What exactly to the children throw at each other at their brithday parties.
  5. Pour the cooled jelly over the fruit and refrigerate to set.
  6. Make up some custard, again slightly stiffer than usual as you want a setting custard not a pouring custard.
  7. Spoon the custard over the jelly and fruit.
  8. Return to the fridge until cool and then cover with whipped cream.
  9. Decorate with any cherries you found in the tinned fruit or if cherries are not available use strawberries or raspberries.
  10. You might also like to decorate with 100s and 1000s but do it just before serving otherwise the cream will cause the colours to run.  Or, you can use flaked almonds.
  11. Serve cold with Fresh Cream.