What not to eat for breakfast

Here is a list of things not to eat fro Breakfast:

Most breakfast cereals due to the sugar content and salt.
Pancakes, Scotch Pancakes or waffles because of the high sugar cotent.
White Bread and Margerine becase the process of making white flour removes all the roughage which is good for digestion. Margerine and many other spreads contain hydrogenated oil and trans fatty acids. Butter is better.
Fruit Juice popular with the French is very high in sugars.
Low-fat or fat-free yoghurts. Again because of sugar.
Cereal Bars eg Special K or Breakfast bar. Too much sugar and low in protein.
Bacon, upsetting for the British but bacon and other processed meats like sausage is not good because it is high in saturated fat, high in calories and salt.
Fast food breakfasts such as McD contain high levels of saturated fats and salt.
Sweet Coffee - again it is the sugar problem.
Bagels and toppings. Most bagels are made from white flour, which, as we learned above, is flour that has had all of the beneficial nutrients and fiber removed. The nutritional value of a bagel is therefore not very high. Question the toppings which are mostly high in fat.
Donuts. Deliciously soft, sweet and jammy donuts. High in sugar and low in healthy elements, fibre and vitamins.
Pop Tarts, the are tasy and fun. Howevcer they are loaded with white flour, artifical colours and sugar. Lots of it around 4 tsps per tart.
Shop bought smoothies, handy for on the go but high in sugar content. Better to make your own.
Muffins and pastries for breakfast. This is another American infaction. High and very high in sugar. The French Croissant and Pain au chocolate or the Pain au raisin and desperately high in fats and sugars.
Bananas are at first sight to healthy option and it is true they are pretty good as they are full of fiber, rich in micrnutrients and antioxidants. But they are high in sugar.


There is a healthy option and that is porridge.  Eat it plain without sugar.  Add some fruit berries if you need to spike it up.