Mussels in cider - (Moules Cidre)

kg Mussels
60 g butter
1 finely chopped onion
salt and pepper
600 ml cider
2 chopped eating apples


Fry the chopped onion in the butter until soft.  Add the chopped apples and fry for a few minutes.

Add the scrubbed mussels, salt and pepper, cider and steam until the mussels are open.

Serve very hot in a bowl remembering your guests will need a bowl for the shells.  I like it with crisp french bread.  Cider is good to accompany this.  If you are short on mussels and too many guests use fizzy cider as it fills the stomach, though still cider is best.

My mother never actually cooked this but she enjoyed the dish once or twice at my home before she died.