Baked Salmon

baked salmon

This is a basic recipe for cooking salmon which can be used in conjunction with sauces and served hot or just allowed to cool and then refrigerated ready for a large party.

Take salmon steaks and wrap in foil with a knob of New Zealand Anchor Butter.  Season lightly with salt and white pepper.  Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 135 C.

If cooking a whole salmon, clean out the cavity and put butter inside together with seasoning.  Cook at 150C for more than 25 minutes.  The actual time depends upon the size of the salmon.  However, salmon does cook quickly and it is unwise to over cook as you will then get very dry fish which is only suitable for using with cream sauces.

When my mother first cooked this salmon had just come onto the market at prices which she could afford.  I guess it was the first factory farmed salmon but the taste was wonderful compared with the tinned variety which had been coming into the UK from Canada.  My first taste of fresh fresh water fish which took me on to trout and other fish.