Dressed Salmon

dressed salmon

1 Salmon
2 bouquet garni
white wine
2 Cucumber
2 pkts Aspic Jelly
1 Glace Cherry


Ask the fishmonger to gut the salmon for you if it has not already been done.  Wash the fresh salmon and remove the fins.  De-scale the fish by running the back of a knife the wrong way along the skin. Wash again and pat dry.

Place the salmon in a fish kettle containing a court bouillon - this comprises water, a fish bouquet garni, white wine and a tbs of vinegar).  Simmer in the liquid for about 8 minutes per lb of salmon.

Leave the salmon to cool in the liquid so that it remains moist.

Drain and place the salmon on a worktop and with the point of a knife gently cut down the backbone form the head to the tail.  Repeat on the underside of the fish.

Peel away all of the skin and brown meat from the fish.

You will see a natural line running aong the center of the salmon from head to tail.  Gently cut along this line and remove the top and bottom fillets onto a separate board or plate.  Remove the bones and head.

Turn the remaining fish over and remove the skin as before.  Place these onto a fish shaped serving dish and place the other two on top.  You should now have a complete fish minus the bones and head.


Separate the bones from the head and position the head on the fish.

Make up two packets of Aspic Jelly.  Brush the salmon all over with the jelly.  Slice 1 or 2 cucumbers very thinly and lay onto the fish dipping each slice in aspic.  Make a design by layering similar to the scales of a fish.  It looks better if you use the larger slices towards the middle of the fish and smaller ones towards the head and tail.

Once the fish is covered brush all over with aspic.

You can use thinly sliced radish around the gills to add colour.  Again brush with aspic.

Remove the eye from the head and replace with a small piece of glace cherry.

Garnish with lemon slices.