


  • 500g Plain Flour
  • 20g Fresh Baker's Yeast or 8g Active Yeast
  • 2 Eggs
  • 75g Caster sugar
  • 100g Raisins
  • 125g Extra-fine or churned butter
  • 250ml Semi-skimmed milk
  • 15-20 shelled almonds
  • 5g Salt


  1. Put the yeast in a bowl, add 20g from the flour, 25ml of milk and mix to form a paste.
  2. Put the yeast mixture in the Panasonic Bread Oven on Programme 20.  Then add all other ingredients except the shelled almonds.  Run Programme 20 which will take 2h20.
  3. Grease or spray the Kougelhopf mould or tin and place one almond in each fold.
  4. Place the bread mixture on top, cover with cling film and place in a fan oven at 40C for an hour or until the mixture has doubled in charge.
  5. Preheat a fan oven to 190C and bake for 30-45 minutes.  Test with a skewer.
  6. Allow to cool a little and turn out on a wire rack to cool.
  7. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

  This is a well known delicacy in Alsace and shops in tourist areas are full of them.